This is the clear version of the 1969 Ford Mustang RTR-X Body that comes as standard on the Vaughn Gitten Jr Signature Sprint 2. Includes all the body detailing that...


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Availability: Out Of Stock
Sku: HPI109930

This is the clear version of the 1969 Ford Mustang RTR-X Body that comes as standard on the Vaughn Gitten Jr Signature Sprint 2. Includes all the body detailing that comes on the standard body.


All HPI bodies feature:


Photorealistic, premium vinyl decals include window frames, headlights, grille, tail lights, roll bars, official logos and more - for a perfect finish with a lot of details

Clear overspray film and pre-cut vinyl window masks make painting fast and simple

High quality polycarbonate with excellent impact resistance - for extra strength and long life

Body post drill marks clearly show where to make body post holes

HPI 1969 Ford Mustang Rtr-x Body (200mm) 109930

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