R8224 - Track Extension Pack D

R8224 - Track Extension Pack D

HORNBY R8005 Signal Box

HORNBY R8005 Signal Box

he introductory Hornby RailRoad range offers a selection of individual locomotives, rolling stock and accessories plus an assortment of train and wagon packs ideally suited for train set rolling stock...


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Availability: In Stock
Sku: R6423
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he introductory Hornby RailRoad range offers a selection of individual locomotives, rolling stock and accessories plus an assortment of train and wagon packs ideally suited for train set rolling stock enhancements or for those who wish to experiment and try their hands at developing their modelling techniques.

All RailRoad models are fitted with the standard Hornby hook and bar type couplings and will therefore easily couple to those locomotives and rolling stock in both the standard Hornby and Thomas & Friends™ ranges.

The Hornby RailRoad range is a simple and cost effective way of adding to a train set providing a suitable and most appropriate stepping stone into the varied and fascinating World of model railways.

HORNBY R6423 RailRoad Car Transporter Bogie Wagon

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