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Mallard Record Breaker Train Set - Era 3  The iconic Mallard is an essential model for any railway fan. Maintaining its world speed record for a steam engine at 126mph,...


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Sku: R1282M
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Mallard Record Breaker Train Set - Era 3 

The iconic Mallard is an essential model for any railway fan. Maintaining its world speed record for a steam engine at 126mph, it has long been held as an example of incredible engineering and true style.

The dark blue livery and streamlined shape have reached celebrity status, with the aesthetic appealing as much as the loco’s capabilities.  With an optimised steam circuit, large firebox, and high boiler pressure, the Mallard used less coal and water than previous locos, making it faster and more efficient.



There’s no faster steam locomotive

Of course, our model had to be paired with the original Gresley coaches. It comes with a simple oval track layout which can be used as a stand-alone track or to extend your current track. Place on our Hornby MidiMat and give the Mallard the platform it deserves after 85 years of stardom.


Everything you need

This Mallard Record Breaker Train Set includes the famous locomotive, as well as two BR Gresley Composite Coaches, and a BR Gresley Brake Coach. It also has everything else you need to get your Mallard moving, making this a great set for first-time model railway builders or those who just want to expand their layout.


The Mallard is ready for HM7000 activation. To enjoy additional model railway functions and sounds such as whistles, doors shutting, and carriage brake squeals, you’ll need to add the correct decoder and download the HM|DCC app.

Product Info

On the 3rd of July 1938 the LNER A4 locomotive 'Mallard' set the world speed record for a steam engine at 126 mph at Stoke Bank, south of Grantham. Years later with the nationalisation of the railways the locomotive's feat was not forgotten, with 'Mallard' maintaining its celebrity status among the trainspotters of the day while continuing to haul express passenger trains along the East Coast Mainline. This Train Set encapsulates the enduring allure of 'Mallard' as it would have appeared during the early 1950s.

Welcome to the HM7000 Control System

HM7000 is an innovative way of controlling and operating model railways. Combining Bluetooth® technology and app-based control, the HM7000 Control System has been designed to revolutionise the controlling of a model railway.

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R1282M HORNBY Mallard Record Breaker Train Set - Era 3

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