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The ProTek R/C N4 Medium Hot Standard Glow Plug is a great plug option for .12 to .28 size engines used in monster trucks such as the original and newer...


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Availability: In Stock
Sku: PTK-2554

The ProTek R/C N4 Medium Hot Standard Glow Plug is a great plug option for .12 to .28 size engines used in monster trucks such as the original and newer 2.5 and 3.3 Traxxas T-Maxx trucks. This plug is recommended for slightly warmer ambient temperature conditions than the N3 and will produce more power. This plug is recommended for higher nitro content fuels (10-30%).

NOTE: For Traxxas applications, use one washer. For O.S. engines use two washers.

PTK-2554 - ProTek RC N4 Medium Hot Standard Glow Plug (.12, .15 to .28 Engines)

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