This is the HOT DICES tire. This tire features a medium size dice cube lugs with perfectly balanced tread spacing for maximum forward traction. The two outer rows of lugs...


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Availability: In Stock
Sku: PCX1005YP
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This is the HOT DICES tire. This tire features a medium size dice cube lugs with perfectly balanced tread spacing for maximum forward traction. The two outer rows of lugs deliver a quick corner speed, a very stable an easy to drive feeling and predictable side bite.  It offers drivers consistent handling on outdoor racetracks with blue groove or a little bit wet and really stands out in no dust and high grip track conditions. This tire will give your buggy qualifying speed with tread life capable of handling hour long A-mains due to its good wear characteristics.


It features the XL insert and the new wider and larger structure that improves the overall performance with more consistent handling in the bumps, effortless jumping and an easy to drive feeling.

Procircuit HOT DICE Pre-Glued Wheel and Tyres (1 pair)

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